Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 5: Sign

Never underestimate the importance of a good proofreader.
I posted a different photo of this sign on Facebook a few weeks ago with the caption "Prrofreader Wanted" but, upon setting out for today's photo assignment, I found that this sign is STILL posted! I couldn't resist.

As someone who does marketing and communications for a living I am horrified, but not surprised. This company probably figures that most people won't notice the typo (or maybe they just don't care) and it's worth it just to get a customer or two in the door.

It's a manicure salon, after all. The meaning of the sign holds more weight than how it's designed or spelled and, let's face it, the design leaves a lot to be desired.

If this company was my client, however, I would never post this sign as it is. Even if it might add to their bottom line. In this case, I firmly believe that the ends wouldn't justify the means.

Think of it this way: What if this sign was for a high profile brand like a certain product that popularized the lower case "i" or that restaurant with the golden arches? Changes things, doesn't it? Never underestimate the importance of your brand.

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