Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September Photo a Day: 9 through 11


Day 11: Hero

On this somber day I chose to represent "Hero" with the symbol of my nation. Anyone who has represented the United States to protect its citizens from harm - firefighters, policemen and every US veteran (especially my husband and my brother as well as my father and all 7 of my uncles and finally, many friends.) Thank you for being our heroes. RIP to those who lost their lives on September 11.

Day 10: Black and White

Met up with a friend in Buckhead today.

Big Lots! 

Day 9: Something you do most weekends

Most weekends we enjoy a lot of down time and usually go out to eat once, maybe twice. We typically watch a LOT of sports - this past weekend's highlights included our friends' 6-year-old's first ballgame of the season (they won!) and our favorite football team's first game (they won! Go Patriots!) But really, just about every weekend the grocery shopping is done and I get to go here (is it weird that Big Lots is one of my favorite stores?)

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