Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July Photo a Day Challenge Day 3: Best part of your day

I could listen to Phil Liggett all day, but Bob Roll will always be my favorite!
Best part of every day, for me, is spending time with my husband in the evening. This varies from evening to evening. One night it could be dinner on the deck, another evening, some time at the pool. Maybe walking the dog together. Whatever it is - it's the best part.

Tonight it rained so, alas, no pool, but it's July which means only one thing in our home: Le Tour. And so we sit, thunder rolling and much-needed steady and heavy rain falling, watching the Peloton race through the French countryside.

1 comment:

  1. HA! I almost added this as a best part of my day too (well, to clarify, time spent with MY husband, not yours - lol!). Our evenings sound similar, except we've been enjoying the Olympic trials. :)
