Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 27: Bathroom

The beach is the best.
An odd "assignment" if you ask me. I considered posting an old photo I have of a Women's room door. The sign says "Womens" - I love a good typo!

Instead, I chose to post a pic of my favorite things in my bathroom. Since it's just me and the hubs, we each basically have our own bathroom. I get to girly up mine which is fun. If we were allowed we'd sand the walls down and repaint them (for some reason our bathroom walls have a stucco effect that is not only ugly but baffling since it obviously took some effort!) but we cannot, so I have done what I can to make it feel like a beachy spa. 

Photo a Day Challenge Day 26: Where you shop

Where I shop and why.
Had to think about this one. Should I take a pic of TJ Maxx or my beloved Home Goods? Big Lots almost made it into this collage. I don't do much shopping these days, what with living on a tight budget and all.  But I do get to one place weekly. Good old Kroger. Or as my husband and I like to call it "Krogaaaa," in our best New England accents. (It's also super fun to say Chipper Jones' name with the same accent. "Way to go Chippah!!") So the reason I shop at Krogaaa is probably obvious - when I was working in midtown Atlanta I traveled about 1,050 miles a month - even with a car that gets insane gas mileage (40 to the gallon from Bonnie Blue - my 95 Civic Hatchback) it all adds up. A LOT!

Where do you shop? Do you shop somewhere just because of the bonus points?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 24: On Your Mind

What is on my mind? A lot of things. I'm in job transition so that's the biggest thing on my mind lately. Sunday is grocery shopping day so our week of meals was on my mind this afternoon. I have friends and family in Colorado - the wildfires and their safety is on my mind. The Red Sox traded Youkilis! (SADNESS!) My family. My dog. My husband. All on my mind.

Tonight we celebrated the life, and 40th birthday, of our good friend Tori at his favorite restaurant: The Melting Pot. After eating more cheese than a person should eat in one sitting (disclaimer - I am not complaining. I. Love. Cheese.) this little number was presented to us. They call it "Flaming Turtle."

So what's on my mind? More like "who." A dear friend who opened his home, heart and family to me and Chris when we moved here. And his wife, Mandee, who I've known for more years than both of us would like to admit. Their two boys who we've "adopted" as "nephews." His parents who are simply "Grammy" and "Ba" to us and his sister and her family who welcome us to their holiday celebrations. That's who.*

Happy Birthday Tori. Here's to your first 40 and here's to 40 more!!

*This Flaming Turtle Fondue that nearly put me in a sugar shock is a close second.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 23: Movement

I took these photos a few years ago in our old back yard in Enterprise, Alabama. The property management's landscapers left quite a bit to be desired. We ended up mowing our own lawn but not before Fenway got to enjoy the deep grass.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Book Worth Reading: The Dip by Seth Godin

Last week I had a meeting at a Starbucks that happens to be connected to a Barnes and Noble. After the meeting I set up at a table in the bookstore with my computer, notebook and cellphone. Since I was surrounded by books, and I picked one out figuring I'd read a chapter or two and contemplate.

I chose a short book by Seth Godin called "the dip - A Little Book that Teaches When to Quit (And When to Stick)  Since it is 86 pages and quite engrossing, I ended up reading it in its entirety in a little over an hour.

Good read!
Now I am still unpacking the lessons/ideas from this little gem!

I'll sum it up with one concept that helped me: "Winners quit all the time, they just quit the right stuff at the right time."

Too often quitting feels equal to failing. This book is stuffed to the gills with commentary around this idea that quitting truly isn't failing - in fact, it frees up your resources to excel - and most importantly, enables one to persevere and not quit when the going gets tough.

A few things that stuck out for me:
  • Be the best in the world! But remember: best is subjective and the consumer decides, not you. Likewise "the world" is defined by the consumer, not you.
  • Average feels safe but it's not - it's invisible.
  • Stick with your long-term strategy - quit the tactics that aren't working
  • Selling is a transference of emotion, not a presentation of facts.
That last point couldn't be more true. When was the last time you saw a soft drink commercial that that simply presented the facts - the sizes in which the drink is offered, servings per can or bottle and the stores in which you can find it?  

Think about this the next time you're trying to communicate with your audience. What emotion are you attempting to transfer?

Soft drink companies transfer an emotion or feeling of being refreshed and having fun or being cool. A nonprofit might transfer the emotion of satisfaction/joy of helping others and that they've made a difference.

No matter what it is - in order to build brand loyalty or cultivate a donor relationship you need to deliver on that promise. Be the best (to your audience) in the world (that they live in)! Don't distract your own message. Be who or what you say you are and stick with it!

The book truly is worth reading and might be one that should sit on your shelf - with some notes and earmarks. It has lists of questions to ask yourself before you quit (Am I panicking? Is my persistence going to pay off in the long run?) and chapters talking about getting out of ruts (or cul de sacs) and avoiding cliff edges.

Have you ever made the decision to quit something that enabled you to be even better at achieving your goal?

Photo a Day Challenge Day 20: Fave Photo You've Ever Taken

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs - 1986
Fave photo you've ever taken. This one was a no brainer. In the summer of 1986 I flew on a plane for the first time ever and visited Colorado for the first time ever. I fell in love. With Colorado, not flying, but that's another story for another time!

The beauty and enormity of the Rocky Mountains was something for which this Jersey girl was not prepared! And then I saw it: The Garden of the Gods! Impossible to do justice with words (and nearly impossible with photos) basically the Garden of the Gods are a bunch of "blades" of red rock jutting out of the earth. If you have never been there, you really must go.

Armed with my Pentax K1000, several lenses and loads of black and white film, I snapped away.

This is where my love of photography was ignited. I was a photography fanatic when I was a teen. Took every photography course I could in High School (Mr. Glaser remains a favorite teacher to this day!) so when summer was over and I got back to High School I developed this film (remember film?!) and printed it in one of my classes. I took this on an overcast day and had to mess around with the printing exposures. I was obsessed with getting this one "just right." In the end, this is the photo that Mr. Glaser deemed me his "Little Ansel Adams." Now, professionally framed, it hangs in my home.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 18: Something We Don't Know About You

No penicillin for me, thanks.
I feel like I'm an open book...not much to hide. I love baseball and am a rabid Red Sox fan (I dog's name is Fenway, after all!). I'm a proud second-generation Swedish/Norwegian with a huge, we-put-the-'fun'-in-dysfunctional family. I'm left handed. Creative. Love to take photos. I've only had stitches once. (They're in my chin, thanks to my big brother's "help" up the stairs when I was 2.) I have never broken a bone but I've sprained one pesky ankle numerous times and had chronic rotator cuff issues in both shoulders. I have a heart murmur, but how do you represent that in a photograph? I once swallowed a very small goldfish on a dare (ok maybe a lot of you didn't want to know that).

When I was 22 I discovered something *I* didn't know about myself. I had developed an allergy to Penicillin (and Amoxicillin...all the "cillins"). So I wore this bracelet for a bit at the recommendation of my doctor but haven't worn it in least a decade. I figure it isn't likely I will be unconscious and have an emergency need for an antibiotic. And now you all know so if you're with me, you can say "No penicillin!"

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 17: In Your Bag

Wallet, ID, tissues, etc. Typical bag fair. One thing I always have in my bag is my little leather change purse. It was bought in the Carribean, a gift from my dear friend Sara. She and her husband (who is my husband's best friend- see the Art post) have been our confidantes and have been there with us through thick and thin. She bought this for me on her honeymoon which means I have had it in my bag since 2003. My how time flies!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 13: Art

Adam Houser original
This piece of art was a gift to my husband from his best friend, who happens to be an amazing artist. We have several of friends who happen to be amazing artists, actually, this assignment made it tough to choose. I chose this because it has a balance of dark and triumph*.  Also its coloring made it an easy "Warhol" subject.

* If you want to hear an amazing description of this piece and the meaning behind it just ask my husband. In fact, because of his deep love and connection to this, Adam and his wife, Sara, framed it and gave it to Chris for his 30th birthday.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 10: Best Bit(s) from your Weekend

Couldn't choose just one.
Starting with the large photo and going clockwise: #1 Dinner made by Chris!; Brewery Fun (beer poster is for Red Hare "Watership Brown" beer); King of Pops (Key Lime!); Caught in the Rain (massive downpour during the last 2 minutes of our evening walk. Fenway hates the rain, which is why she looks so irritated.)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 6: Hat

Brought to you by the letter "B."

I tried. But every time I had the hat on her little head she would look up and knock it off. So here it is: Hat. 

If you knew me you know I have a TON of Sox hats. This one is my favorite. Here's why:

It was a chilly spring day in Boston. April 2005. I was at work when my brother-in-law called me and said "What do you have going on this afternoon?" My reply "Why do you ask, Pete?" What he said next I'll never forget "One of my customers has some Green Monster tickets. We have an extra. Can you come?"

"Can you come?" Those words still echo in my head. This was opening day 2005. If you aren't a Red Sox fan you might not realize that this was *THE* opening day. The Red Sox had just won the World Series in 2004 after the most talked about comeback in the division series (remember? Yankees were up 3 games to 0...Red Sox came back like a force to be reckoned with and not only won 4 straight games against the Yankees taking the American League title but then went on to win another 4 straight games against the Cardinals winning the World Series. No team had ever done that and no team has done it since!) So "Can you come?" - to the game at which they would receive their first rings in 86 years? At a game where they would face the Yankees? And I could be in the Green Monster (where you didn't buy tickets but had to be picked from a lottery)? Um....let me think about that.

So after I sent a quick email to my boss, who was in a meeting, letting him know I was taking the afternoon off because of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I booked it to Brookline to park the car and walk to Fenway park. 

We got our rings, gave Mariano Rivera a standing ovation (look it up) and won the game. I bought this hat. Amazing. My favorite Fenway Park memory of all time, and I've been to a LOT of games! 

So this hat is my favorite. 

And that's my dog, Fenway, sitting next to it. Silly pooch refused to wear this little piece of history!!

Thanks Pete! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Photo a Day Challenge Day 5: Sign

Never underestimate the importance of a good proofreader.
I posted a different photo of this sign on Facebook a few weeks ago with the caption "Prrofreader Wanted" but, upon setting out for today's photo assignment, I found that this sign is STILL posted! I couldn't resist.

As someone who does marketing and communications for a living I am horrified, but not surprised. This company probably figures that most people won't notice the typo (or maybe they just don't care) and it's worth it just to get a customer or two in the door.

It's a manicure salon, after all. The meaning of the sign holds more weight than how it's designed or spelled and, let's face it, the design leaves a lot to be desired.

If this company was my client, however, I would never post this sign as it is. Even if it might add to their bottom line. In this case, I firmly believe that the ends wouldn't justify the means.

Think of it this way: What if this sign was for a high profile brand like a certain product that popularized the lower case "i" or that restaurant with the golden arches? Changes things, doesn't it? Never underestimate the importance of your brand.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm taking it on: Photo A Day Challenge!

Fellow blogger "FatMumSlim," who lives halfway across the world in Sydney, Australia, has put a challenge out and I'm thrilled to take it on.

Each day in June I will be posting a photo that corresponds with an assigned topic from Chantelle (A.K.A. "FatMumSlim").

Today's assignment: Morning.

Now if you know me, you know I'm all about food. You also might know I am not a morning person.* So rather than take a photo of the sunrise or my bad morning self, I went for something that we can all relate to: Two eggs sunny side up.**

Sunny side up on an overcast day!
Online Photo Editor "PicMonkey" was used for this photo.

* I avoided any self-portraits for the sake of humanity.
** Two eggs were not only harmed during the making of this photo, they were eaten afterward.